Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A readers question... and my answer...

I recently received a question from a reader and wanted to share it (and the answer) with you.

The question:

"Scott, have you always been so good looking?"... no wait, that wasn't it... this is...

"I actually own my own photography studio - YET - have never known how to set my D300 up to my computer so my clients can immediately see their pics (much as you did on your "Help Day"). Can you give me some tips? Or write about it?"

The Answer:

Nikon shooters can use Camera Control Pro, but it's not free (though you can download a fully functional free 30 day trial here). You can get Camera Control Pro 2 at Adorama for $145 (with free shipping) and in my humble opinion worth every single penny.

It was pretty cool the first time I used it and found out I had complete control of all of my camera settings while sitting in from of my laptop and now I can't imagine shooting products or food without Camera Control Pro.

There are other options.

StudioTether is a free application that (as the name implies) will allow you to tether your Nikon camera to your Mac (no Windows version is available)

Another free Windows option is from, they offer a free tethered shooting script for Nikon Cameras (Windows only), you can get the latest version here.

Canon shooters have it MUCH easier, they can can use their FREE EOS utility for shooting tethered (Windows manual here, Mac manual here).

My friend Jason Anderson over at Canon Blogger has a well done tutorial on Shooting Tethered with Canon Gear that you should check out.

I really love shooting tethered and you can read why at a previous post "Why Shoot Tethered" and get more details and resources at "Shooting tethered with Nikon, Canon, Windows, & Mac".

In closing I want to say thank you for your comments and many emails of condolences, thank you.

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