Friday, June 25, 2010

Free Facebook marketing tools...

I wanted to share a valuable marketing resource for you photography business.

The good folks at HubSpot are (for a short period of time) giving away three resources that will help you understand Facebook as a business tool and providing the information that will help you develop a sound marketing plan.

They start with explaining what Facebook is, how it works, and and then walk you through the do's and don'ts of setting up a business Facebook page.

And don't make the mistake of thinking "how good can this be if it's free?", I promise you it may be free but it's extremely valuable.

With 250,000 people a day signing up for Facebook it's a marketplace you need to be involved in.

You will need to fill out an "application" page to get to the downloads, but you won't be inundated with unwanted email, when I do get the occasional email from HubSpot I am thankful as it contains some kind of useful marketing information.