Monday, August 30, 2010

A photography show you can't miss!...

Tonight (on many PBS stations) you can watch "At Close Range with National Geographic" which follows the exploits of National Geographic photographer Joel Sartore.

This originally ran a couple years back but really is timeless and if you want to see some stunning imagery, a peak behind the scenes of National Geographic photography assignments, and meet a truly interesting man, you really really want to watch this.

He tells a FANTASTIC story about photographing wolves in Yellowstone that you won't want to miss. There is also an image at the very end of the show that he took of his feet while on assignment in Alaska that drives home the point that a picture truly is worth a thousand words.

Joel is as good a story teller as he is a photographer, I could sit around a campfire and listen to him talk all night.

At the very least this show will make you want to travel to (and photograph) Nebraska. Seeing "Nebraska's Big Rodeo" has been added to my list of things to do before I die.

After watching the show I visited Joel's website, the fact that he is an outstanding photographer was reinforced and but the best part was learning more about him as a person.

You can read his essay on his wife Kathy's battle with cancer and how it changed his life, Joel's insightful words will make you sit back and take pause.

Hopefully it is showing in your area, you can check your local listings here.

Scott Kelby giveaway ends tomorrow...

Just waned to remind everyone that tomorrow marks the end of the our contest that will award some lucky winner the Scott Kelby DVD (and workbook) "Photo Recipes Live: Behind the Scenes".

You can see the original post with all the details here.

We will be giving stuff away every month for the rest of this year (including Scott Kelby books) so if you don't win this month you may next.