Monday, November 1, 2010

More proof I'm an idiot...

Not that most of you need any more proof, I am sure the evidence on file would have been sufficient to confirm the obvious.

Last week I posted a book review for the Nikon D60 written by one of wonderful readers, well not only did I get the reviewers name wrong, I took the liberty of changing their gender as well!

I wrote that the review was written by Paul.... WRONG! It was written by Paula, Paula Apro to be exact.

So I am writing to publically apologize to Paula ( really sorry, sorry, sorry) and also to let her know that I will be sending her a nice little "Scott is truly an idiot" prize package that will include:

1. The book - "Flash...The Most Available Light" from Lumiquest

2. Ultra Image Photoshop action set (also) from Lumiquest (read our review here)

3. Three SlimLine "AA" battery caddy (read our caddy review here)

4. The book - "Photoshop CS4 Down & Dirty Tricks" from Scott Kelby

So please take the time to visit Paula's website and her blog, you'll find a forgiving person who takes a very good picture.

Honey bee

Honey Bee

A Boat at kumarakom

kumarakom photos