Monday, January 4, 2010

My Uncle Dick...

From my earliest memories I looked up to my uncle Dick.

First, he played pro football (for the Patriots), what isn't cool about having an uncle that was a pro football player.

He always had a big new car, and the first in ground pool I ever saw was at his house.

But as I got older I began to pick up on the truly important things.

He spoke with a booming voice, had a laugh that could fill a room, and despite his impressive size it was obvious he was a kind and gentle man.

He would help you in any way he could, without you even asking, he was a "fixer".

While I was "away" in the service my grandfather was on his last days and I could not get me home to see him. Uncle Dick got wind of it and within 24 hours I was on a plane home.

Just last year I needed a new furnace, guess who got me a new top of the line furnace at wholesale cost?

It's like he knew everybody, and everybody respected him.

Regardless of how old I was he always called me "Scottie", but that was okay, I liked how it sounded when he said it.

He was a good man and the world was a better place with him in it.

I got a call early this morning from my mother, letting me know that last night my uncle Dick "went on ahead".

And I wanted people to know my uncle Dick was somebody.

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