Saturday, March 19, 2011

Snow images from this morning...

Here are a few shots I took from my porch this morning, I didn't go any further because I packed my boots away yesterday when it was 70.


Click on any image to view larger and in a new window.

Spring is soooo close... I thought...

Spring arrives officially on Monday and no one is more excited about it than me.

Yesterday it actually reached 70 degrees here... I was seeing parts of my lawn I forgot existed.

As I dragged myself into the kitchen this morning to make my coffee (and attempt to reach my target heart rate) I looked out the window only to see it was snowing... and snowing hard!

The lawn I saw yesterday is gone, covered with a blanket of white and it's still coming down.

I am blubbering like Lassie just died.

In the video below I feel like the guy in the yellow parka.

And for subscribers (as usual), videos don't get pushed through so you'll need to come back to Weekly Photo Tips or head directly over to YouTube to watch it.