Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Topaz Adjust 4 is now available...

You may remember our review of Topaz Adjust version 3, we liked it then and we like it even more now.

Usually when you buy software you get the incremental upgrades for free, but a full version release will cost you.

Well, Topaz Labs has released a full version upgrade (from version 3 to 4) and if you are a version 3 owner, you can download and upgrade to version 4 FREE.

How cool is that?

What is new in version 4 is the interface, more default image options, and more fine tuning control.

What isn't new is that is the great output you will get.

Don't take my word for it, you can check out what Scott Kelby had to say about Topaz Adjust.

Below are a couple sample images, shot by my friend (and partner Mark) during a commercial shoot at a marble company. These are the kind of images that work best with Topaz Adjust (high key, back lit) to make a more interesting shot.

The background image is well lit, well constructed, but the Topaz Labs Photoshop plugin just adds a very cool "look" to the foreground image.

Click on either image to view larger and in a new screen.