Saturday, November 21, 2009

I am leaving on a jet plane...

Actually... I'm leaving in a minivan.

In the wee hours of November 24th we (me and my gaggle of girls) are heading off to North Carolina for Thanksgiving / family reunion celebration and as if that wasn't enough we leave from there and head to Disney for a week with my mom and stepdad.

I don't share this with you just because I'm squealing like an excited little girl, but also so you'll know that for the next 2 weeks posting on Weekly Photo Tips will be more fluff than substance (mostly images I capture during my trip).

Speaking of images, if you know of any cool shooting opportunities in the Raleigh North Carolina or Orlando Florida areas PLEASE leave a comment or drop me an email.

And for you funny folks out there, I know Disney is a cool shooting opportunity, I was thinking of something outside the park.


The only down side is I'm going to miss my dogs. When my wife saw the 2 pages of instructions I put together for the person coming to stay with our dogs she just walked away shaking her head and mumbling something.

You can click on the image for a better view of my three girls (the image will open larger in a new window).