Monday, September 7, 2009

Okay, I lied to you...

and I'm so ashamed! (all said tongue in cheek)


Last week I said that beginning today we would start a two week series on social media, image keywording, SEO (search engine optimization), and how these things impact the business of photography.

But I had forgotten that today was a holiday, I don't usually post on holidays (or if I do it's not "on topic") and I am heading south at the crack of dawn on Thursday for a wedding that will keep me out of state until next Sunday night.

So not only will I be gone for 4 days, I will be spending the next couple days prepping for the trip.

So we will start the 2 week series NEXT Monday instead of today, I promise.

I have a camera for sale...

I am selling a Fujifilm FinePix S2 Pro 6.2 mp / 12.1 mp with a Nikon mount, it was the backup to my D300, but now that camera is the backup to my D3, making the Fuji "expendable".

You can read why made it a "Highly Recommended" buy here.

Feel free to drop me an email if you are interested.

Have a great Labor Day.