Sunday, January 10, 2010

Softbox & light tent for under $10!...

I was paroozing through IKEA and came across their white laundry bag ($9.99) and thought to myself "man, I can't believe it's 4 below zero, I wish I was somewhere warmer"... and then I thought "hey, this would make a cool light tent".

So off to Google to do a search and sure enough other people had the same idea.

Now if you really can't figure out how to actually use it as a light tent you can head over to instructables for the details.

But what I had not considered and Mikko Reinikainen did was using the IKEA hamper for a diffuser/soft box.

Below you will see his setup using a Nikon SB-24 to shoot through the hamper for soft portrait light and a sample of one of those portraits.

Click on any of the images to view larger and in a new window.