Friday, September 4, 2009

Your online presence...

During the next two weeks we are going to focus a good number of our posts on what photographers can (and need to) do to improve their online presence.

The things we will be covering are social media, image keywording, SEO (search engine optimization), and more.

We will review resources like Rod Evans "Facebook Marketing Tutorial", "Socialnomics" by Erik Qualman, and many more social media and online resources.

But before we can map out a where we want to go we need to determine where we are.

A very good starting point is the "Website Grader" a free SEO tool that will that will help measure the current marketing effectiveness of your website.

Your score is based on traffic, SEO preparedness, social networking popularity, as well as other factors.

To see what they look at when grading your site and the kind of recommendations they make for improvement you 're welcome to view the report for Weekly Photo Tips.

I know this is not a glamorous, sexy, or even slightly exciting subject (then again, the same can be said about me), but I would argue that your online presence will play a larger role in your (financial) success as a photographer than will your camera.

So run your website report before Monday and then follow along as we start putting together the building blocks for online success.

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