Thursday, September 3, 2009

Q & A with Joe McNally...

Peachpit has started a new feature called "Q & A with Joe McNally", where you can submit your question (and up to 2 images) and each week Joe will pick one of the entries to answer and critique.

You can find the submission form here, submit your photos to the Photography Q&A with Joe McNally Flickr Group, and can read Joe's answers to the selected questions here.

If you do submit an image you will need to agree to the photographic release form, but unlike too many other online resources that require a photo release form, Peachpit does it correctly (and fairly), leaving all ownership and rights with the photographer:

"By submitting any Photograph to the Blog, Peachpit does not claim or assert any ownership of any Photograph and shall not use the Photograph other than for the purposes of the Blog. All Photographs shall remain the property of their rightful owner."

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