Saturday, March 26, 2011

One for the dogs...

A month ago fire destroyed the Boston home of Terisa Acevedo, she not only lost all her belongings, she lost her beloved dog, a long haired dachshund, Lola.

This past Monday (a full month after the fire) she to return to the burnt out remains of what was once her home and while standing there in the front she heard a noise, it was scratching on the plywood that covered a large hole that used to be her front door.

Terisa called out her dogs name and heard crying coming from behind the plywood, she ran up, pulled back the plywood and there was Lola!

Somehow this one year old dachshund had survived a month in the burnt-out house.

There was kissing and crying all around.

Though a bit skinnier Lola is fine and will make a full recovery.

Dog and owner are back together, too cool, huh?

Below is a news video of the story (subscribers will need to return to the blog to view it).

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