Sunday, December 5, 2010

Today is the (big) day...

Today, for the 19th consecutive year, 200,000 wreaths are leaving Maine to adorn the headstones of American veterans.

24,000 wreaths are heading to Arlington National Cemetery with some 20 stops and rallies between Maine and Virginia (check here for a complete schedule that start today and end on December 11th), the rest of the wreaths will go to all 50 states and overseas as well.

This most wonderful tribute was started by Morrill Worcester, the founder of Worcester Wreath Company, when he and his workers wanted to do something to honor the fallen.

You can learn more about the The Arlington Wreath Project on Facebook, and if you would like to see more images be sure to check out Patrick Hughes site "Christmas at Arlington".

If you are interested in sponsoring a wreath you can get more information here.

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