Tuesday, November 16, 2010

And the "Sessions with JoeyL" winner is...

Before I announce the winner of our "Sessions With JoeyL" contest let me say (actually write) a few things.

First, this has been our most successful contest ever, we have had more entrants, comments, and images submitted than ever before! Thank you all for making this blog what it is.

Second, this contest was truly random. The name of each person who entered was dropped into a program called "The Hat" which was used to randomly pick the winners name. If a person entered the contest more than once, their name was dropped "into the hat" to match the number of times they entered.

Third, I strongly recommend that everyone go take a look at the images that have been uploaded to our Flickr group, you'll see some really good stuff.

Fourth (and last), despite the contest being random I had strong inclination on who the winner might be, though we had hundreds (and hundreds) of entries there was one person who was the most prolific. They entered the contest well over 50 times! Going waaaay back in the archives (a couple years) to read and leave a comment, and the comments weren't frivolous, they were thoughtful and insightful (and greatly appreciated).

So, I have dragged this out long enough.... the winner is.... HALF BLIND!

Congratulations. If you send me an email I will forward it to Joey Lawrence and he in turn will email you the download link for "Sessions".

Below are a few more of Half Blind's images, be sure to check out his Flickr stream.

Big, BIG announcement coming next week for our Christmas giveaway, so stay tuned.

Thank you everyone.

(click on any of the images to view larger and in a new window)

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