Sunday, September 19, 2010

What's with the tomatoes?...

I have gotten more than a few emails asking me "what's up with tomato posts?".

Well, I'll tell you... anyone from the north (especially the northeast) knows that between the sub zero temps, the ice storms, and the snow, winter seems like the season that will never end.

The first sign that there's light at the end of the tunnel is when the seed catalogs start showing up in the mail. So the thing that keeps the cabin fever at bay is planning your garden, ordering seeds, and starting the seedlings.

Last year I decided to greatly expand my tomato garden, so I ordered my seeds in January, started them in February, and once they started popping through the soil would move them from one window to another following the sun throughout the day.

Come the end of March I would move them out to our three season sun porch in the morning and back inside late in the afternoon.

I would feed them every 10 days, move them into bigger pots as they grew, and basically spend some part of every day dedicated to my tomato plants until they were finally planted in the garden at the end of May.

Things went wonderfully, by the beginning of July we had hundreds of little green globes hanging all over my plants.

Then it hit, by the middle of July my garden was hit with early blight and by the time I realized what was going on it was too late. Within a week everything was dead.

So the success of this years garden (and harvest) has erased the last years bad memories.

I promise, after today won't bother you with any more pictures or posts about my tomatoes, except to say I just picked 60 more a couple days ago.

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