Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Weekly Photo Tips!...

Yup, we have just completed our third year of publication (or depending how you look at it, we are now entering our fourth).

What I thought we would be doing as a blog and what we are doing could not be more different. It would be like planning a trip to New York but ending up in the Virgin Islands.

And I could not be happier about it.

I never would have dreamed that we would have thousands of subscribers, a quarter of a million visitors, or have a YouTube channel.

We have had the opportunity to speak to, photograph with, and be part of seminars along with some of the most incredible professional photographers out there.

But what's the most surprising thing? The best part of this blog? You!

Weekly Photo Tips was named one of the ten best photography blogs of 2010 not because I am here, but because you come here.

The people I have met, the friends I have made because they took the time to visit this blog is amazing.

Words are inadequate to express how thankful I am to be here. But know that I am, every day.

Now sit down and have a piece of cake.

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