Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Free Lens Hoods! Seriously...

Every once and awhile (while wandering aimlessly through the net) I stumble across a sight that A) is phenomenally useful and B) I can't believe I did not know about.

This is one of those sites.

The importance of lens hoods cannot be overstated and if you are missing one, head over to Free Lens Hood, print out the hood you need (on a firm gray card stock) and you are good to go.

They have hoods for:








And if you can't find your lens in their long list, you can even design a custom lens hood too.

Free Lens Hood is just that, FREE, but if you find it useful (meaning you print out a lens hood or two) you might want to consider donating a buck to help defray the cost of keeping this valuable resource available.

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