Thursday, May 6, 2010

Some Joel Grimes seminar images...

These images from the Joel Grimes seminar are long over due.

It was a phenominal weekend, Joel went deep into photography, image editing, and marketing. I left feeling like he held nothing back. Not only did he teach, but everyone was able to shoot as much as they wanted and received individual attention at each and every shooting station until they "got it". No question was left unanswered.

I think this quote from one of the attendees pretty much says it all:

"What did I think about the workshop? I wanted to call Joel this morning and complain! I didn't sleep last night thinking of all the images I want to shoot and when, and where!

The workshop was wonderful, Joel could not have been more accommodating to me and all the attendees, he said time and time again during the workshop he loves to pass on his knowledge and he still gets excited creating images and it shows."

Here are images from some of the attendees. Keep in mind that all of the outdoor images below where shot with a single speedlight. Simple lighting, great results.

From Trent Hobbs:

From Laura Imbeault:

From Kevin D. Couture:

You can also read what Chad Doyon wrote about his experience at the seminar on his blog.

If you have the opportunity to attend a Joel Grimes seminar, run, don't walk, to get your ticket.

(Click on any image to view larger and in a new window.)

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