Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hold onto your panties!....

Because you are about to be blown away with some stunning imagery.

I am sure, more often than I want to know, I will post about something I have come across and folks will scratch their heads and wonder aloud "has he been living under a rock"?

This will likely be one of those times.

While driving to New Jersey a couple weeks ago I listened to an interview of photographer Cliff Mautner, and as impressive as it was things got busy and I didn't follow up on it.

Yesterday I watched the latest edition of Photoshop User TV and Cliff was interviewed again. Scott and Matt went on about how impressed they were with his work so I went directly to Cliff's website.

And for the next two hours I wandered through his website and his blog looking at his drop dead gorgeous wedding images.

So go check out his work and his two and a half day workshop where he teaches "less is more" when it comes to light.

You will be inspired... and blown away.

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