Saturday, April 3, 2010

Exactly two weeks from today (April 17 & 18)...

Begins the two day workshop that will be taught by Joel Grimes.

This photographic learning extravaganza will be held in our new studio space here in Biddeford Maine and I really hope to see you there.


Taking your creative vision to the next level

Recognizing your greatest asset

Developing your personal vision

Promoting yourself as an artist, not a technician

The basic fundamentals of lighting

Experimentation is the key to innovation

Hands on lighting demonstrations

Capturing the image is just the beginning

Mastering Photoshop is a necessity

Marketing, competing in today's marketplace

For complete workshop details and to reserve your seat visit the workshop page here.

Follow this link to see a 6 minute highlight video shot last month at Joel's Phoenix workshop.

Below is another (2 minute) video of his "swimmer portriat".

(subscribers will need to come back to Weekly Photo Tips or head directly to YouTube to watch the video below)

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