Monday, January 25, 2010

Here are the contest details...

It's going to be a drawing. A random drawing.

I thought of (and had suggested) a bunch of different (and good) scenarios but it was important to me that everyone who entered had the same chance of winning and I was also looking for a bit of the unexpectedness, with some unpredictability thrown in.

No matter what the task there will be some people who can do it better than others, and then there would be those who might not enter because they didn't feel it was one of their strong points.

So with a random drawing everyone who enters has the same chance of walking away with this outstanding prize package.

It could not be easier, all you have to do is send an email with your name, email, and snail mail address (and if you wanted to jot down a small paragraph about why you read this blog, or one of your favorite posts from Weekly Photo Tips all the better but it won't change your chances), all entries will go into a bowl and the winner will be drawn on February 15th (2010).

The drawing will be videoed, posted here and also posted on our YouTube channel.

This contest is open to everyone, regardless of where you live, but if you do live outside the US you will need to pay shipping (see here for details).

You might want to get your friend(s) to enter, then you can have a better chance of winning by the two (or more of you) splitting the prize.

One entry per person and good luck to you!

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