Monday, January 11, 2010

"Happy birthday to me"...

Yup today is my birthday, I won't say how old I am but they found my birth certificate with the dead sea scrolls.

Tonight I am having dinner at my favorite restaurant, Fore Street. If you ever have the chance to go please do and have the roast pork loin, if it's not the best meal you've ever had I will be more than just a little surprised.

For my gift my family is taking me to a Cirque du Soleil show on Wednesday night.

But the older I get the more I recognize my true gifts.

I give thanks every morning just for being alive, I am warm, dry, and well fed (maybe fed a little too well). I have family and friends that are far more valuable than any material thing I own (or could ever hope to own).

All these things (and more) make me feel like a very wealthy man.

Later tonight my mom will call exactly at my birth minute and the day will be complete.

After I apologize (yet again) for my teenage years I will have to give her a hard time though, when I scanned in this picture I realized (looking at the date) that it took her six months to develop the pictures from my first birthday.

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