Monday, November 23, 2009

Mark December 12th on your calendar...

I came across this today and wanted to share it before I headed out on my trip tomorrow.

Help Portrait has come up with a great idea for folks who own a camera.

1. Find someone in need.
2. Take their portrait.
3. Print their portrait.
4. And deliver their portrait.

From their website:

"The brainchild of celebrity photographer Jeremy Cowart, Help-Portrait is a movement of photographers, coming together in every major city, to use their photography skills to give back to the community.

On December 12th, photographers around the world will be grabbing their cameras, finding people in need, and taking their picture.

When the prints are ready, the photographs get delivered.

Yep. It really is that easy

And by the way, we don't want to see your photos. This is about GIVING the pictures, not taking them. These portraits are not for your portfolio, website, or for sale. Money isn't involved here. This holiday season, you have the chance to give a family something they may have never had before - a portrait together."

Luckily (for me) I will be back in time to participate and I hope you will seriously consider it as well.

If you are wondering what it would be like you can read about photographer Jean Labelle's Help-Portrait shoot here.

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