Saturday, October 10, 2009

Stand by me… part II...

I had no intention of posting this weekend, holiday weekend, scheduled shoots, blah, blah, blah...

Made my coffee, sat down at 5:30am to check email, but just one came through (which kinda surprised me, I usually get more, not because I'm popular but the spammers do love me).

I won't betray their confidence with the details, but it was a thank you note, explaining that a post I had made six months ago had helped them through a extremely difficult time.

Driving home the point that we never know when something we do, even something quite simple, impacts the life of another.

The follow is the (short) original post:

“no matter who you are, no matter where you go in your life, at some point you’re gonna need somebody to stand by you…”

(if the video does not come through on the feed, you'll want to stop by the blog to watch it)

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