Thursday, September 24, 2009

Review of the BIG Folio DVD "Rank Higher"...

I am willing to bet that the number of photographers who have flash websites is in the high 90 percent.

One of the bad things we often hear about flash sites is that search engine spiders and bots don't do a very good job of indexing them.

It's not because flash websites can't be optimized (they can), but it does take a bit more work and effort that too many folks just don't put into it.

Well the web experts at BIG Folio (yup, the same BIG Folio that designs websites for photographers like Joe Buissink and John Michael Cooper) has made our lives soooooo much easier with the release of their DVD "Rank Higher".

This package (DVD, workbook, documents, and additional free resources) was put together for photographers who can't spell "html", those who do their own web work, and everyone inbetween.

Don't know what a text editor is? They explain what it is, why you need it, how to use it, and where to get a really good (and really free) one. And the same goes for stats, rank checking tools, ftp, code validators, and more.

There are many things I love about this DVD, like the fact that they use a large number of screen captures that give you a visual representation of exactly what they are talking about, because it would be too easy to get lost or confused when someone is discussing a topic you've never heard of before, but is crystal clear when you can "see" what they are talking about.

I loved that it comes with a workbook/checklist so as you are watching the DVD you can actually be performing the task being discussed and then check it off as "done" (though they recommend that you watch the DVD all the way though once, and then on the second "pass through" begin implementing changes).

"Rank Higher" does not have you working in a vacuum, it also comes with an online forum where additional updated videos, applications, and resources are posted and where you can ask questions and share information with other photographers and experts from BIG Folio.

There is also a good deal of information that has nothing to do with flash, like how to build a link network, or what a city search is and how you can use this to boost your websites visibility.

Writing this blog as provided me the opportunity to watch many good training/instruction DVD's, but this is the first one ever that has given me the opportunity to ask questions of peers and experts, receive additional guidance, and updated resources after the purchase.

I understand the value of a dollar and $79 is not an insignificant amount of money, but if you weigh the cost of the DVD (and all of the free resources that come with it) against your increased web presence (and the business that would represent), the returns will cover the cost of "Rank Higher" many, many times over.

"Rank Higher" is both a good educational opportunity and a very wise investment.

If you have questions about what comes on the DVD, how to access the forum, or even if you can sell the DVD after you are done with it be sure to read the "questions & answers" section here.

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